Wedding Ceremonies
Congratulations!! You're getting married!
Together, we will craft a totally bespoke wedding ceremony just for you with your love story at the heart of it! You can include any wedding ritual or symbolism you like. Your wedding can be a multi-faith/multi-cultural/non-faith blended ceremony. You can write your own vows, choose your own poems, music, readings and traditions- or you could leave that all up to me!
I am registered with the HSE, which means I can marry you legally seven days a week, in your preferred venue.
I will guide you through all your legal requirements, offer you sample readings, poems and vows to help you build a beautiful ceremony
all about you as a couple and as a family.
Check my Instagram for enhancement ideas for your ceremony!
When you book a legal marriage ceremony with me, you can do so knowing that you are helping your community. Behind the scenes, €50 from your ceremony fee is donated to Earth Spiritualists Foundation towards their Community Kindness Project which raises funds for homeless charities and cancer support groups.